G-Force Group utilizes its business and industry experience to develop the business solutions while the insolvency framework options are being identified by its experienced professionals.
G. Powroznik Group Inc. of G-Force Group is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee under the federal Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act.
We believe that sound analysis, diagnosis of problems and their causes, identification of solutions and their effective implementation should be 90+% of maximizing asset and enterprise values and recoveries. Less than 10% of the effort should relate to the insolvency or legal frameworks used to perform the workout. When these frameworks are implemented before the business solution options are developed, potential recoveries are often reduced. Insolvency-related frameworks can often be crucial for implementing sound business solutions.
One of the best frameworks for implementing recovery solutions is the “normal course of business.” If remedial action can be taken before the business or real estate project has deteriorated too far (see Business Health/Lender’s Response Curve), liquidation values can be avoided and higher recovery values achieved.
However, if the situation has deteriorated beyond a point where continuing in the “normal course of business” is impractical, G-Force Group can determine which of the insolvency-related frameworks may be appropriate, including:
- Informal monitoring and restructuring frameworks
- Formal restructuring frameworks (like proposals under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act (BIA) or arrangements under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA))
- Foreclosure
- Receivership
- Bankruptcy
- Special Court appointment roles tailored to specific situations like recoveries under the Builders’ Lien Act
- Some combination of these frameworks or other lesser-utilized options
Whether you are a borrower or lender involved with a distressed business, real estate or hospitality industry property or construction project, G-Force Group has the proven expertise to help you choose the appropriate framework for your business solution.
Contact us today to learn more.
G. Powroznik Group Inc., Licensed Insolvency Trustee
#710 – 750 Pender St. W
Vancouver, BC V6C 2T7
T: 604-377-8545
E: mail@g-forcegroup.ca